Edge Magazine Fashion

Edge has now been running for the best part of 20 years, and the reason for this longevity is that is has hit upon a winning formula. Firstly, Edge sets itself up as a magazine for fans of gaming irrespective of their allegiance to certain platforms – and for anyone outside the world of gaming those feelings towards Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can run pretty high. It covers all the most important releases, regardless of what they come out on, and all the news for all the platforms, all of the time. Secondly, it has made a concerted effort to attract contributions from the best games journalists and writers out there – I’m talking about the likes of Kieron Gillen, James Rossignol, Leigh Alexander, and more. Video games are far more than a hobby for these people, it is a passion, and it is the likes of the writers in Edge who push the boundaries of game journalism ever higher. Thirdly, it’s just damn good. Each issue is obviously of the highest quality at first glance, being fantastically well designed and full of thoughtful and intelligent insight, and a reputation for honesty and lack of bias in its content. In honor of games journalism everywhere, it is my job to go out with a bad pun, so here we go. Whether you’re a fan of the plumber, halos, the fantasy final, or that blue h-Edge-hog, Edge is the mag for you.
Additional Information
ISSUE DETAILS | Subscription: USA 1 Year – SEA, Subscription: USA 1 Year – AIR, Subscription: USA 6 Month -AIR, Issue-405, Christmas-24, Dec-24, dummy: hide |